Myofunctional therapy may be able to improve sleep.
Toward a functional definition of ankyloglossia: validating current grading scales for lingual frenulum length and tongue mobility in 1052 subjects
How to measure for a tongue tie
The effect of orofacial myofunctional treatment in children with anterior open bite and tongue dysfunction: a pilot study
Myofunctional therapy can help open bites.
Effects of orofacial myofunctional therapy on masticatory function in individuals submitted to orthognathic surgery: a randomized trial
Myofunctional therapy can help stregthen facial muscles
Sleep Problems as Predictors in Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Causal Mechanisms, Consequences and Treatment
Research that shows the root cause of attention defecit disorders may be sleep breathing disorders
Lingual and Maxillary Labial Frenuloplasty with Myofunctional Therapy as a Treatment for Mouth Breathing and Snoring
Lip and tongue tie releases paired with myofunctional therapy maybe able to reduce snoring
Lingual frenuloplasty with myofunctional therapy: Exploring safety and efficacy in 348 cases
Research that shows myofunctional therapy paired with a tongue tie release is safe and effective.